Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Ever since Richard Nixon threw out the issues created in "Water-Gate", every problem has been a something - gate.
Not surprising, the New England Patriots have inspired another "Gate". This time it's the game balls.

Let's recap: Indianapolis players get's the ball and gives it to his equipment manager. Keep in mind this is New Englands actual ball. Indianapolis has their own. The equipment manager gives the ball to an NFL official who gives the ball to a representative for competition.

A couple of days later we have a full blown problem, and yes sir it's the Patriots at the end of it.

Is there a real problem here? Probably not. The issue is that the Patriots got caught in a quagmire. The real issue is that of all the teams who mess with the football, someone got caught in a meaningful game. Even though a fully inflated ball would not have helped the Colts the Patriots are in trouble.

The question is, when did this ball deflation happen. If it happened in between the time the officials examined the ball and the start of the game, this is cheating.

If this happened before the certification from the official's then this is on the NFL. Don't believe for a minute that the NFL won't make this a New England problem.

Either way, good ole Bill will be punished. The question is to what extent?

Bill shouldn't be fired. He should be suspended for this. The problem is, what regulations come from this?

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