Sunday, March 1, 2015

Colorado Avalanche Dig 2.0 two point ohhh

It's that time of the year in the NHL. The time where contenders get players, the pretenders stay silent, and the losers cash out players.

This year has been no different. Except my team is a pretender. My team are/is the Colorado Avalanche.

As of March 1st at 11 PM EST, the Avalanche have not done anything with their roster. They have not dumped any players nor have they reached for the sky on players.

This is of concern to me, and I'll tell you why:

The Joe Sakic era begins with observation of a team that just doesn't have the right pieces somewhere. After a full season of watching Joe Sacco tank the Avalanche, Sakic removes Sacco and now a coach is needed for a team that get's the #1 pick in the draft.

Somehow, Joe lures Patrick Roy back to Denver for a head coaching position. This is questionable only in the fact that Roy doesn't have any NHL coaching experience. Of all the people he could have hired, he hires Patrick.

Two years into that hire, I don't think Roy is a bad idea. I just would have been pissed had the rest of this story of season 1 unfolded.

Then with the best pick in the draft, the Avs have so many options. For the entire lead up, well until the entry draft all star game, Seth Jones was considered to be the best option. With a defensive core that doesn't have any backing, a free agent or a high d-man is what the Avs needed.

For months, everyone assumed Seth Jones was the guy. Then, a week prior to the draft Nathan MacKinnon shows up at the prospects game. He revs up every GM and it's all but certain this guy will be going #2 in the draft. Because Seth Jones is going to Denver.

Wait...that didn't happen. Sakic took Nathan MacKinnon and left everyone guessing at who would be the free agent D man. It was Stuart....NOOOOOO!

So this season is all but a wash, and hey guess what!? The avs are sucking this year and are half way between missing they playoffs and getting in. Yet they are doing NOTHING!

So what can we expect in Free agency? Well, probably nothing. 

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